Wonderland nyt

Statusrapport fra Wonderland per fredag den 6. november.

Det er Påske der har taget billederne, ligesom sidst.


Overblik. Der er stadig streetkred at hente.


Detalje af solidt håndværk.




Djævlen findes i detaljen.


Da Peter Kropotkin fik udgivet sin bog Mutual Aid - A Factor of Evolution i 1902 kan han dårligt have haft fantasi til at forestille sig at titlen ville blive del af en billedtekst om noget skateboard værk her, hvad, halvandet hundrede år senere. Hans forundring var næppe blevet mindre ved valget af citat fra bogen.

Fra kapitel III: Mutual Aid Among Savages, om Hottentotterne:

"...who are but a little more developed than the Bushmen.Lubbock describes them as 'the filthiest animals', and filthy they really are. A fur suspended to the neck and worn till it falls to pieces is all their dress; their huts are a few sticks assembled together and covered with mats, with no kind of furniture within. (...) And yet those who knew them highly praised their sociabillity and readiness to aid each other. If anything is given to a Hottentot, he at once divides it among all present - a habit which, as is known, so much struck Darwin among the Fuegians. He cannot eat alone, and, however hungry, he calls those who pass by to share his food. And when Kolben expresses his astonishment thereat, he received the answer: 'That is Hottentot manner'. But this is not Hottentot manner only: it is an all but universal habit among the 'savages'."

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