Jam Session Show i Japan
- Detaljer
- Oprettet: mandag, 2. november 2009 14:38
- Skrevet af Mads Matzon
21. marts i år var der Jam Session Show på den japanske baghave-mega. Se billederne, nyd videoen, læs interviewet og oplev overraskelsen.
Billeder leveret af Gen Ogawa
Det er Gen Ogawa, der bliver interviewet i det følgende. Han figurerede på et billede i den oprindelige mega-artikel, hvor han var involveret i de kryptiske udmeldinger om Krings verdensberømthed.
Do you ride the Kazunaris Mega often?
1 or 2 times a year I skate Kazunaris Mega. Total less than 10 days a year.
What do you think about the ramp?
It´s narrow. I am scared, but so fun.
What is the best trick you have done on it?
Just normal air
Can you explain the feeling of riding it?
Feeling so fun! But first time is always scary.
Have you tried any other Megas?
Not yet, But I went to Bob Burnquist´s back yard Mega. Just watched it.
So you held a contest on Kazunaris Mega this year?
March 21 , 2009, 25 peoples registered, only 5 people can skate full Mega .
Who won and with which trick?
it was not contest, just show event.
I saw a roller skater in the event video. Did you know that European and American skaters hate roller skaters?
I knew it. But it was just show event. Jam session show
I understand that you know Thomas Kring and that you have been to Denmark once?
Yes, I went to Denmark once with skateboarder Jocke Olson.
Do you remember any strange things about the Danish culture?
I was surprised day time is so long.
Is Thomas Kring world famous?
I am not sure. I don't think he is famous in Japan, but some Japanese vert skateboarders know him, because he came to Asian X games in Malaysia.
Kazunari talked about some kind of Japanese Mega Ramp cult, how is the cult faring these days?
This is [Team Mega Ramp Japan]. We want to join for Big Air contest in USA X-Games event some day.
Who is you favorite mega ramp skater.
Bob Burnquist and Danny Way.
Anything else?
Trevor Ward makes a private Mega Ramp in Australia. You should check it.
Video fra Jam Session Show: